First I was annoyed, then very annoyed but now I pity, Preity. I can imagine her frustration when the boys under perform. I guess I'm echoing the sentiment of the entire Punjabi community, though there are the dis- loyal who have been supporting or have shifted loyalty to other teams. If there weren'...t their kinds, would the Sikh Empire have ever collapsed? Oops. Am I sounding over the top, comparing the fall of the Sikh Empire with that of Kings XI, who has royally lost, eight battles out of 10?
I am also worried about Ness Wadia because he has been smoking too many cigarettes, under stress. The other day, at a post match party at hotel Mountview, I had to pass a hint to a couple of photographers to click his picture as he puffed cigarette after cig- arette, stumbling between cheerlead- ers, posing for photos. No, I wasn't jeal- ous of his Page 3 japphi with the women, because Shane Warne was also cuddling up, but because I was anxious about Ness's health. Maybe the smoking fine slapped on him for smoking in a smoke-free city would reduce his smoking, I thought.
That I have just clipped my post- match party invitations by revealing the inside story, is something I am not bothered about. Who cares!My worry is about our nak or nose in English. I'm not concerned whether Preity's team valuation has trebled or Wadia's has tumbled because of his team's performance. My grievance is that nowhere in the annals of Punjab's history have we gone down without a fight.
Sorry, I have just been corrected. I am told Punjab has nose-dived from being the number one state in the coun- try to a double-digit rank. Luckily, we don't have states running into three digits. So, when the politician is not bothered about the nak, why expect it out of bechare khidaris. Vaise vi the government's focus is kabaddi, kabad- di, kabaddi.Am I being too cynical, when I say there is a competition of sorts between the political honchos and the players - that who pins down the state's pride first?Or is it a combination of factors that are contributing to the slide.Imagine a situation.
My son is cry- ing because Yuvraj has just been caught and simultaneously somewhere in Punjab there is a wife crying who has just lost her farmer husband to farm debt? Nehar which chaal maarti, or he has consumed a few pegs of pesticide.It is because both of them have become lazy. Look at that Yuvraj's walk.
Sloppy, lazy and very unbecoming of a sportsman and Punjabi!Or is it that Punjab da puttar is not khush because of off-the-field reasons.
While the media accuses him of devel- oping an ego hassle after being axed from Kings XI captaincy, a charge that he has vehemently denied; the other buzz is that he just might be a tad upset after Preity called him 'younger broth- er'. Believe you me, both are reasons enough to puncture my big fat Punjabi ego, but I would have eaten humble pie and let my bat do the talking. Chauka, chakka, chak de.
And talking about the farmer, less said the better. The farmer is out- sourcing labour just as the Kings XI has outsourced players.No, I do not doubt the foreign crick- eters cricketing abilities, because the Sangakkaras, Bret Lees and Shauns are great players but upholding Bhagat Singh's legacy is a different ball game altogether.Thank god the advertisement comparing the Kings XI players with the legend has been withdrawn.
Bhagat Singh is safer off as a poster boy of Punjabi taxi and truck drivers, than of a bunch of an under perform- ing XI.
I am also worried about Ness Wadia because he has been smoking too many cigarettes, under stress. The other day, at a post match party at hotel Mountview, I had to pass a hint to a couple of photographers to click his picture as he puffed cigarette after cig- arette, stumbling between cheerlead- ers, posing for photos. No, I wasn't jeal- ous of his Page 3 japphi with the women, because Shane Warne was also cuddling up, but because I was anxious about Ness's health. Maybe the smoking fine slapped on him for smoking in a smoke-free city would reduce his smoking, I thought.
That I have just clipped my post- match party invitations by revealing the inside story, is something I am not bothered about. Who cares!My worry is about our nak or nose in English. I'm not concerned whether Preity's team valuation has trebled or Wadia's has tumbled because of his team's performance. My grievance is that nowhere in the annals of Punjab's history have we gone down without a fight.
Sorry, I have just been corrected. I am told Punjab has nose-dived from being the number one state in the coun- try to a double-digit rank. Luckily, we don't have states running into three digits. So, when the politician is not bothered about the nak, why expect it out of bechare khidaris. Vaise vi the government's focus is kabaddi, kabad- di, kabaddi.Am I being too cynical, when I say there is a competition of sorts between the political honchos and the players - that who pins down the state's pride first?Or is it a combination of factors that are contributing to the slide.Imagine a situation.
My son is cry- ing because Yuvraj has just been caught and simultaneously somewhere in Punjab there is a wife crying who has just lost her farmer husband to farm debt? Nehar which chaal maarti, or he has consumed a few pegs of pesticide.It is because both of them have become lazy. Look at that Yuvraj's walk.
Sloppy, lazy and very unbecoming of a sportsman and Punjabi!Or is it that Punjab da puttar is not khush because of off-the-field reasons.
While the media accuses him of devel- oping an ego hassle after being axed from Kings XI captaincy, a charge that he has vehemently denied; the other buzz is that he just might be a tad upset after Preity called him 'younger broth- er'. Believe you me, both are reasons enough to puncture my big fat Punjabi ego, but I would have eaten humble pie and let my bat do the talking. Chauka, chakka, chak de.
And talking about the farmer, less said the better. The farmer is out- sourcing labour just as the Kings XI has outsourced players.No, I do not doubt the foreign crick- eters cricketing abilities, because the Sangakkaras, Bret Lees and Shauns are great players but upholding Bhagat Singh's legacy is a different ball game altogether.Thank god the advertisement comparing the Kings XI players with the legend has been withdrawn.
Bhagat Singh is safer off as a poster boy of Punjabi taxi and truck drivers, than of a bunch of an under perform- ing XI.